Day 4 – I am Here to Solve Your Problems


Today was the last day!

Stephen got up and went running at 7:30, and I got ready.

We went to breakfast in The Wake.

One of the guests near us was wearing a t-shirt with the F word on it. It seemed unnecessary? Seems like the guests pushed the limits more than the cruise line did at times.

You can’t see out the window, but there’s a great view there!

Why on earth does my husband have salad at breakfast?

Then we went shopping!

Virgin loved this phrase, and they put it on everything. It became Levi’s motto for the cruise. He was known to shout it at random times!

I should have bought those luggage tags for him.

Then we went back to the room for a little while. I tried out the hammock. It was quite comfy!

Then we went to a lounge and met up with Missy and Levi.

We also realized we had not seen The Manor yet, and went to find it! This is the picture worthy entrance.

You will never regret spending the next 11 seconds of your life watching this video:

There was an exercise class happening inside!

Then we headed back to the Dock, our favorite place!

We grabbed a snack on the way!

So cute!

There were lots of little birds, even a falcon zooming around!

We finally caught the snacks open!!


We snacked and then went up top.

There’s the dock down there!

Then I climbed out on the net. The view was great, but it was hard to use! You weren’t supposed to wear your shoes, but it HURT without shoes on. I toughed it out.

The pool was packed!

We stopped by our dinner location for tonight, Test Kitchen. We had read some good things, and it was very cool inside! But we decided the menu didn’t really appeal to us.

You book restaurants on the app, and you can’t book the same one more than once. You are supposed to be able to check for second reservations, or get on a waitlist, but it wasn’t working. We decided to go early and see if we could get on the list.

We showered and met back at Extra Virgin. Missy went to try to get on the waitlist, and they said it had to be done on the app, but they couldn’t make it work either. Missy came around the corner and said to us, “They don’t quite understand what they are doing yet!” She said it nicely, but a crew member nearby heard her say it.

One thing about crew on Virgin, they were everywhere. They were wearing street clothes, working out in the gyms, eating in the restaurants, all over! Even the captain walked around in street clothes.  They had their name tags on, that’s how you could tell. Apparently, that’s how Virgin wants it, so the guests can interact more freely with them. It was not the norm for cruising, but I didn’t mind it!

Well a crew member named Billy was standing nearby, and he was the one who overheard it. He came right over to us and said, “What is going on? I am here to fix your problem.”

We laughed and told him what happened, and he fixed it! He asked when we wanted to eat, we said 6, so he said he took our information and said it would show up in our app in a few minutes.


That was great! We walked to a lounge and passed the tattoo parlor. Where Len had just finished getting a tattoo!!

We stopped to say hi and see it. He said the tattoo parlor was fully booked all week.  That’s amazing to me on a Caribbean cruise when you can’t get your tattoo wet!  We talked for a little while and then went to change for dinner.

Missy texted and said her room had been made into a couch! I ran over to take a picture.

We changed and met up in Sip, the lounge where we spent a lot of time.

Apparently we (me?) ran the ship out of Coke Zero!

Then a roaming magician – Andy, came by and asked if we wanted to see some card tricks! The answer to that is also – always yes.

He sat down and wowed us!

That was a great! Then it was time for dinner! Off to Extra Virgin. Here’s our view!

It was just as good as last time. We just loved it.

And ate a lot of the same things because they were so good!

Here’s the trolley!

My favorite:

Then it was time for the hot tub! Still loving that they were open 24/7.

We passed the ship model:

While we were sitting there, we realized Missy had never Shook Her App!!

On Virgin, when you shake that app, they bring a bottle of champagne to you! Wherever you are! You pay for it, but they bring it!

Every time we thought of it earlier in the week, we were in a lounge. That’s not exciting. We wanted to do it from a fun place! So she shook it in the hot tub! And we waited to see if it worked.

It did! It was so exciting when they came out! I took some videos on my phone, and I must not have saved them.

They are posted on my saved stories on my Instagram account though! Along with several other videos from the cruise!

Here’s the link –

After that, we went and packed!

We went back out to see what was happening. Karaoke was happening!

Levi was star watching.

And Chuck was up top, so we talked to him for a long while. There was no party up top like there was supposed to be, but it was sprinkling a little, so that may have been why.

In general, there was a ton of nighttime activities onboard. If you are looking for an active ship at night, Virgin is one!

Then it was bed time!

We had a great cruise, with great friends. I do not think Virgin is for everyone, but it is definitely the perfect cruise line for some people! It is an adult atmosphere which will not appeal to everyone, although the lack children onboard was wonderful for our adult only group. Virgin does really push the innuendo at times. The food was some of the best we’ve ever had. The beds in the standard rooms were pretty bad, but we still slept okay.  I loved that everything was included, soda, gratuities, internet, etc.  Overall, it felt like an upscale cruise line, not a budget experience at all, despite some pretty good prices!

Ask me any questions you have!


Avoiding the Obvious Title Here! – October 6-10, 2021
Day 1 – Boarding Like Rock Stars 
Day 2 – Nassau, Kind Of 
Day 3 – Bimini 
Day 4 – I Am Here to Solve Your Problems 

  • Mukta Mohapatra
    Posted at 10:49h, 02 February Reply

    I definitely do not regret watching that 11 second video!

    The food on this cruise looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

    • Tammy
      Posted at 11:55h, 02 February Reply

      Right? Haha!
      Thanks for reading, Mukta!

  • Jess Furtado
    Posted at 12:09h, 08 February Reply

    Okay I had to come and read this because I am so tempted to try this line! I think Chris and I would like it and I was so waiting for your review on it! Maaaaybe for a honeymoon in the fall…🤔
    Do you know if Missy and Levi had any sort of drink package? I saw they have like a prepay your bartab or something.

    • Tammy
      Posted at 12:14h, 08 February Reply

      Ooh, you would probably love it, Jess! And we have a really good deal on it right now! Just ask Misty. 🙂 They did the prepay bartab! $300 for a $400 tab. I think she would do that again and thought it was a good deal!

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